Class 12th Total Objective Question For English Poem , Bihar Board || Bihar Board All Objective in English Poem || Class 12th

यहाँ आपलोगों को हम class 12th के English Poem के 10 lessons का पूरा ऑब्जेक्टिव question और answers बतलाने वाले हैं जिससे की आपको बोर्ड एग्जाम की तयारी करने में मदद मिल जाए और आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा मार्क्स अंग्रेजी में ला सके

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Bihar Board, Class 12th Total Objective Question For English Poem

Class 12th Total Objective Question For English poem Bihar Board,poem of English class 12 bseb Objective,Bihar Board 12th English Objective Question

    Class 12th Total Objective Question For English Poem

    1. "Now The Leaves are Falling Fast" has been composed by _______ .
    Ans :--- W.H Auden
    2. W.H Auden was born in ____ .
    Ans :--- 1907
    3. W.H Auden was died in _____ .
    Ans :--- 1973
    4. Tress shed their leaves in _______ .
    Ans :--- Autumn
    5. Who has composed the poem 'THE SOLDIER' ?
    Ans :--- Rupert Brooke
    6. Rupert Brooke was born in _____ ?
    Ans :--- 1887
    7. Rupert Brooke was died in ______ ?
    Ans :--- 1915
    8. 'THE SOLDIER' is ______ ?
    Ans :--- sonnet
    9. 'THE SOLDIER' is _______ poem ?
    Ans :--- patriotic
    10. 'THE SOLDIER' deals with ______.
    Ans :--- England
    11. The word "concealed" stands for _______.
    Ans :--- hidden
    12. According to 'THE SOLDIER' England has given her native her flowers _____.
    Ans :--- love
    13. Rupert Brooke is remembered as a ____.
    Ans :--- war poet
    14. Rupert Brooke inspired patriotism in the _____ phase of first world war .
    Ans :--- early
    15. 'THE SOLDIER' is a _____ poem.
    Ans :--- War
    16. "A pulse in the eternal mind" is written by ______.
    Ans :--- Rupert Brooke
    17. "If I should die , think only this of me" is taken from _______ ?
    Ans :--- THE SOLDIER
    18. Who has composed the poem 'Macavity : The Mystery Cat' ?
    Ans :--- T.S. Eliot
    19. T.S. Eliot was born in _____ ?
    Ans :--- 1888
    20. T.S. Eliot was died in ______ ?
    Ans :--- 1965
    21. Macavity's power of levitation would make a _____ stare .
    Ans :--- fakir
    22. Macavity is outwardly ______ .
    Ans :--- respectable
    23. Macavity is the ______ of Scotland yard.
    Ans :--- bafflement
    24. 'Macavity : The Mystery Cat' is a _____ poem.
    Ans :--- humorous
    25. T.S. Eliot was a _____ .
    Ans :--- poet , critic , dramatist
    26. T.S. Eliot belonged to ______ century.
    Ans :--- 20th
    27. Macavity's foot-prints are not found in any _____ of scotland yard.
    Ans :--- file
    28. Macavity is the _______ of crime.
    Ans :--- napoleon
    29. T.S. Eliot was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in _____.
    Ans :--- 1948
    30. ______ is master of criminal.
    Ans :--- Macavity
    31. Who has composed the poem 'Fire-Hymn' ?
    Ans :--- Keki N. Daruwalla
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    Bihar Board, Class 12th Total Objective Question For English Poem
    32. Keki N. Daruwalla was born in _____ ?
    Ans :--- 1937
    33. The word "Zoroastrian" stands for
    Ans :--- Parsi
    34. The nearest "Tower of Silence" in Fire-Hymn was _____ away .
    Ans :--- thousand miles
    35. The speaker in the poem "Fire-hymn" swears
    Ans :--- twice
    36. Keki N. Daruwalla received 'Sahitya Akademi award' in ____ ?
    Ans :--- 1984
    37. Keki N. Daruwalla has been well known poet as well as a ____
    Ans :--- short-story writer
    38. Keki N. Daruwalla is a _____ poet.
    Ans :--- Indian
    39. Fire-Hymn deals with ______ ghat.
    Ans :--- burning
    40. The word "debauchery" stands for
    Ans :--- Immoral behaviour
    41. Keki N. Daruwalla is an ______ poet.
    Ans :--- Indo-Anglian
    42. It was the _____ of the poet along with him , passing by the cremation ghat.
    Ans :--- father
    43. Keki N. Daruwalla was a ______ by religion.
    Ans :--- Parsi
    44. Who has composed the poem 'SNAKE' ?
    Ans :--- D. H. Lawrence
    45. D. H. Lawrence was born in _____ ?
    Ans :--- 1885
    46. D. H. Lawrence was died in ____ ?
    Ans :--- 1930
    47. Full name of D. H. Lawrence ?
    Ans :--- David Herbert Lawrence
    48. The phrase "a king of exile" stands for _____ ?
    Ans :--- The Snake
    49. After hitting the snake with a log the speaker of the poem 'snake' wants to ____
    Ans :--- Expiate
    50. The Snake come to the poet's water through on _____ day.
    Ans :--- hot
    51. In ________ according to the poem 'snake' black snakes are considered innocent.
    Ans :--- Sicily
    52. The speaker 'snake' hits the snake with ______ ?
    Ans :--- a log
    53. The speaker in this poem 'snake' compares the snake with the sea-albatross of
    Ans :--- The ancient mariner
    54. D. H. Lawrence was
    Ans :--- fiction writer , short-story writer , poet , novelist , essayist
    55. In this poem "SNAKE" D. H. Lawrence denounces the artificialities of _____ life .
    Ans :--- modern
    56. A snake appears on a through of the _____ to sip water.
    Ans :--- poet
    57. Who has composed the poem 'My Grandmother's House' ?
    Ans :--- Kamala Das
    58. Kamala Das was born in _____ ?
    Ans :--- 31 March 1934
    59. My Grandmother's House published in _______ ?
    Ans :--- Summer in Kolkata (1963)
    60. My Grandmother's House is ______ ?
    Ans :--- lyric
    61. My Grandmother's House published in _______ ?
    Ans :--- 1965
    62. "Behind my bedroom's door like a brooding" taken from _______ ?
    Ans :--- My Grandmother's House
    63. The house went into silence due to the death of the ______ ?
    Ans :--- Grandmother
    64. Kamala das is an ______ poetess .
    Ans :--- Indian
    65. Kamala das is taking about her _____ who is dead now .
    Ans :--- Grandmother
    66. Kamala das noticed a _______ behind the door of the bedroom .
    Ans :--- dog
    67. The poetess in this poem begs at _____ doors .
    Ans :--- stranger's
    68. "There is a house now far away where once I receive love _____ is from the poem .
    Ans :--- My Grandmother's House
    69. Which figure of speech has been used in this poem ?
    Ans :--- simile
    70. John Donne present himself in `Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe` in ___________ .
    Ans :--- The First Person Singular Person
    71. `Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe ` is a ___________ .
    Ans :--- Lyric poem
    72. `Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe ` is a ___________ .
    Ans :--- Love poem
    73. John Donne had seen the Sun setting ___________ .
    Ans :--- Yester/Yesterday
    74. John Donne is going to ___________ leaving his wife behind .
    Ans :--- Germany
    75. This poem has been addressed to ___________ .
    Ans :--- John Donne`s wife
    76. The poem in `Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe` is ___________ his beloved .
    Ans :--- Sad for
    77. John Donne is well known for his ___________ .
    Ans :--- Songs & sonnets
    78. John Donne is well known for other his ___________ .
    Ans :--- Satires , Sermons
    79. John Donne was the poineer of ___________ .
    Ans :--- Metaphysical poetry
    80. John Donne thinks that ___________ is curtain .
    Ans :--- Death
    81. John Donne wants to go away because he is not tired of ___________ .
    Ans :--- His beloved
    82. The John Donne is the better than the ___________ .
    Ans :--- Sun
    83. Who has composed the poem `Song of MySelf` is ______ .
    Ans :--- Walt Whitman
    84. Walt Whitman was born in ______ .
    Ans :--- 1819
    85. Walt Whitman was died in ______ .
    Ans :--- 1892
    86. How many times the word `You` has been used in this poem .
    Ans :--- Twice
    87. `I harbour for good & bad` lines has been written by _____ .
    Ans :--- Walt Whitman
    88. Walt Whitman is ____ years old .
    Ans :--- 37
    89. Walt Whitman was ________ poet .
    Ans :--- American
    90. `I celebrate myself , and sing myself` line is written by _______ .
    Ans :--- Walt Whitman
    91. `Song of Myself` is a _______ .
    Ans :--- Lyric poem
    92. The opening section of `Song of Myself` is entitled has ____ .
    Ans :--- I celebrate Myself
    93. `Hoping to cease no Till Death` lines has been written by ______ .
    Ans :--- Walt Whitman
    94. Walt Whitman was a great lover of ______ .
    Ans :--- Nature
    95. Who has composed the poem 'AN EPITAPH' ?
    Ans :--- Walter de la Mare
    96. Walter de la Mare was born in _______ ?
    Ans :--- 1873
    97. Walter de la Mare was died in ________ ?
    Ans :--- 1956
    98. 'AN EPITAPH' deals with a beautiful ______ ?
    Ans :--- lady
    99. The lady mentioned in the poem 'AN EPITAPH' belonged to _____ ?
    Ans :--- West country
    100. The word 'CRUMBLE' means to _____ ?
    Ans :--- to die
    101. The tone of the poem 'AN EPITAPH' means to _____ ?
    Ans :--- Melancholy
    102. Walter de la Mare belonged to ______ century .
    Ans :--- 20th
    103. Walter de la Mare was ______ ?
    Ans :--- poet , novelist , short story writer
    104. "Light of step and heart was she" is taken from ___ ?
    Ans :--- AN EPITAPH
    105. Walter de la Mare shows fresh interest in _____ themes .
    Ans :--- old
    106. The poet knew a ____ who is now dead .
    Ans :--- lady
    107. The lady who is died lies in the _____ ?
    Ans :--- Grave
    108. Who has composed the poem 'ODE TO AUTUMN' ?
    Ans :--- John Keats
    109. John Keats was born in ______ .
    Ans :--- 1795
    110. John Keats was died in ______ .
    Ans :--- 1821
    111. 'ODE TO AUTUMN' is written in ______ .
    Ans :--- 19 September 1819
    112. 'ODE TO AUTUMN' was published in _______ .
    Ans :--- 1820
    113. In 'ODE TO AUTUMN' John Keats deals with _______ in detail.
    Ans :--- Autumn
    114. 'ODE TO AUTUMN' consists of ?
    Ans :--- three stanza
    115. 'ODE TO AUTUMN' is a _______ poem ?
    Ans :--- ode
    116. The theme of Autumn is ?
    Ans :--- fulfilment/maturity
    117. John Keats is a ______ poem .
    Ans :--- romantic
    118. Each stanza of 'ODE TO AUTUMN' consists _____ ?
    Ans :--- 11 lines
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    Bihar Board, Class 12th Total Objective Question For English Poem
    119. The leaves are falling _______ .
    Ans :--- fast
    120. Human life is no better than _______ .
    Ans :--- death
    121. The ______ has become dumb to see the leafless trees.
    Ans :--- Nightingale
    122. The falling of ______ refer to the speedy arrival of death.
    Ans :--- leaves
    123. The word "whispering neighbours" stand for ________ .
    Ans :--- messenger of death
    124. The prams are _____ .
    Ans :--- rolling
    125. _______ waterfall could bless the travellers passing through that way.
    Ans :--- White
    126. W.H Auden won the "PULITZER PRIZE" in ________ .
    Ans :--- 1948
    127. "Now The Leaves are Falling Fast" is _______ poem .
    Ans :--- pessimistic
    128. "Now The Leaves are Falling Fast" is a ______ poem .
    Ans :--- lyric
    129. For W.H Auden poetry was a _________ .
    Ans :--- serious game
    130. In the second line of the poem 'Now The Leaves are Falling Fast' stand for ____ .
    Ans :--- a tree
    131. Who will not come for help ?
    Ans :--- angle
    132. Takes care of the tree ?
    Ans :--- nurse's flower
    133. Whispering neighbours plucks us from the real _____ .
    Ans :--- delight
    134. W.H Auden was born in ______ and later shifted to ______ .
    Ans :--- England , America
    135. W.H Auden left England as early as ______ .
    Ans :--- 1939
    136. How many type work for W.H Auden ?
    Ans :--- two
    137. W.H Auden's work is divided into ______ ?
    Ans :--- British & American phases
    138. What is the full name of "W.H Auden" ?
    Ans :--- Wystan Hugh Auden
    139. The "dust" stand for the ____ According to this poem .
    Ans :--- Soldier
    140. The speaker is not afraid of ____ ?
    Ans :--- Death
    141. Rupert Brooke in the guise of an _____ soldier .
    Ans :--- English (England)
    142. The place where the soldier would be buried should be treated as the part of _____ after his death .
    Ans :--- England
    143. Rupert Brooke's father was a
    Ans :--- housemaster at Rugby school
    144. Rupert Brooke had died _____ deasease.
    Ans :--- Septicaemia
    145. Rupert Brooke died of septicaemia on _____ ?
    Ans :--- 23 April 1915
    146. Who Called , Rupert Brooke was the handsomest young man in England ?
    Ans :--- W.B Yeats
    147. Rupert Brooke was ______ fallen warrior.
    Ans :--- young and beautiful
    148. Macavity is called ______ .
    Ans :--- the hidden paw
    149. Macavity moves like a ______ .
    Ans :--- snake
    150. The poet compares Macavity to _____ ?
    Ans :--- Napoleon
    151. Macavity is the settlement of ________ ..
    Ans :--- scotyard
    152. ______ is tall and thin (Ginger).
    Ans :--- Macavity
    153. Mungojerrie and Griddlebone are also other _____ .
    Ans :--- cat
    154. Macavity is full of
    Ans :--- decitfulness
    155. "He is broken every human law" is taken from _____ ? and ?
    Ans :--- Macavity : The Mystery Cat
    156. T.S. Eliot was born in ______ .
    Ans :--- Missouri , U.S.A
    157. T.S. Eliot was settled in ______ .
    Ans :--- England
    158. The _____ forgets its dead because sometimes its leaves the dead body half bunt.
    Ans :--- five
    159. ______ swears to save fire from the sin of forgetfulness.
    Ans :--- Keki N. Daruwalla
    160. Keki N. Daruwalla consigned his new born ____ to flames.
    Ans :--- first son
    161. The poet sees the red hot _____ ?
    Ans :--- Embers
    162. The themes of his poetry are
    Ans :--- love , death , domination , violence
    163. A _____ come to poet's water through .
    Ans :--- snake
    164. The poet compares the snake to ______ bird-albatross .
    Ans :--- sea
    165. The snake seemed like a ______ in exile .
    Ans :--- king
    166. A _____ is mentioned in the poem "SNAKE" .
    Ans :--- Carbotree
    167. The poet was wearing
    Ans :--- pyjama
    168. The snake met he poet near his water _____ .
    Ans :--- through
    169. The poet had a desire to talk to ______ .
    Ans :--- snake
    170. The snake tooked at the poet ______ .
    Ans :--- Vagualy
    171. "The voice of my education said to me he must be killed ; " lines are taken from
    Ans :--- snake
    172. " He lifted his head from his drinking , as cattle do " is written by
    Ans :--- D. H. Lawrence
    173. When did the speaker of "My Grandmother's House" live with her grandmother ?
    Ans :--- during her childhood
    174. Where did Kamala das die ?
    Ans :--- Pune
    175. Kamala das was ______ ?
    Ans :--- poet & short-story writer
    176. The autobiography of Kamala das was published in ______ ?
    Ans :--- 1976
    177. The poetess has earned a respectable place in both ____ ?
    Ans :--- English and Malayalam literature
    178. John Donne feels that a ___________ is very hopeless .
    Ans :--- Man
    179. ___________ wants to gladly aceppt death .
    Ans :--- John Donne
    180. In this poem `DYE` stands for ___________ .
    Ans :--- To Die
    181. John Donne was born in ___________ .
    Ans :--- 1572
    182. John Donne was died in ___________ .
    Ans :--- 1631
    183. John Donne was passed away in ___________ .
    Ans :--- 1631
    184. He had to leave ___________ before he could complete his degree.
    Ans :--- Oxford University
    185. The occasion of the poem `Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe` is John Donnes`s ___________ .
    Ans :--- Contineuntal trip
    186. John Donne was ___________ century`s writer .
    Ans :--- 16th
    187. John Donne was born in ___________ .
    Ans :--- London
    188. John Donne belongs to ___________ .
    Ans :--- Roman Catholic family
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    Bihar Board, Class 12th Total Objective Question For English Poem
    189. The word `School` stands for _______ .
    Ans :--- System of Thought
    190. Walt Whitman was a ______ .
    Ans :--- People`s poet
    191. Who began working as a carpenter before his twelfth birthday ?
    Ans :--- Walt Whitman
    192. Walt Whitman was a _________ during civil war .
    Ans :--- Printer, Teacher, Editor & Volunteer nurse
    193. The name of poem which written by Walt Whitman .
    Ans :--- Leaves of grass , Drum Taps
    194. Leaves of grass when written by Walt Whitman .
    Ans :--- 1855
    195. Drum Taps when written by Walt Whitman .
    Ans :--- 1866
    196. The word `Celebrate` stands for ______
    Ans :--- rejoice
    197. The word `Harbour` stands for ______
    Ans :--- believe
    198. The word `Hazard` stands for _______
    Ans :--- peril , danger
    199. The Word `Lean` stands for _______
    Ans :--- take support , rest
    200. The poet thinks that _____ is not everlasting .
    Ans :--- beauty
    201. The poet feels that after his death nobody will _____ her .
    Ans :--- remember
    202. "And when I crumble , Who will remember " is written by _____ ?
    Ans :--- Walter de la Mare
    203. Walter de la Mare received the 'Order of merit' with Queen Elizabeth in _____ ?
    Ans :--- 1953
    204. Walter de la Mare was born in ____ ?
    Ans :--- village of Charlton in Kent , England
    205. He lost his father in the age of ____ ?
    Ans :--- 4 years
    206. Afters the poet's father death he moves _____ ?
    Ans :--- London
    207. Walter de la Mare was known as the poet for ______ ?
    Ans :--- children
    208. From whom did Walter de la Mare get the Prize of the 'Order of Meri' ?
    Ans :--- Queen Elizabeth ||
    209. Who has been personified 'ODE TO AUTUMN' ?
    Ans :--- Autumn
    210. Autumn starts with the departure of the ______ season .
    Ans :--- summer
    211. _____ was a great lover of nature .
    Ans :--- John Keats
    212. Autumn is a season of mellow ____ ?
    Ans :--- fruitfulness
    213. In _____ new leaves and fruits come out on trees.
    Ans :--- Autumn
    214. 'And gathering swallows twitter in the skies' is taken from ?
    Ans :--- ODE TO AUTUMN
    215. 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' is written by ?
    Ans :--- John Keats
    216. John Keats was born in _______ ?
    Ans :--- Moonfields , London
    217. His first poem 'Lines in imitation of sponser' was published in ?
    Ans :--- 1814
    218. John Keats had died from _____ the age of 26 .
    Ans :--- tuberculosis disease

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    यहाँ दी गयी जानकारी से आपलोग याद करेंगे तो आपको पक्का  (English Poem के 10 lessons से)  कोई भी ऑब्जेक्टिव नहीं छूटेगा बस आपको इन ओब्जेक्टिवेस को याद करने की आवश्यकता है |

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    Bihar Board, Class 12th Total Objective Question For English Poem

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